2009年6月20日 星期六



上網睇下攝影師的作品、係esdlife wedding度睇下攝影師 / 公司的comment等




1) Lawrence Tsang

2P1A (1 snap + 1 standard +1 assitant)  ~~  0800-2300  ~~  $33000

2P1A (1 snap + 1 standard +1 assitant)  ~~  0800-2100  ~~  $30000

( 包 intraday photo slide show , all image with basic touch up, all stardard photo 4R printout, 11"x14" 20pgs snapphoto designed album, all image in DVD )

(加studio light +$2000, 早過 8am, @staff / hour +$200 )



2) Charles Cheung

2P1A (1 clief  + 1 standard +1 assitant)  ~~  15 hrs  ~~  $30000

1P1A (1 clief + 1 assitant)  ~~  15 hrs   ~~  $23000

Same Day Photo Slide show + $2000  ,  Studio Lighting Equipment for Banquet Group Photo + $4000, Same Day Group Photo 4R Printing (200pcs)+$40008 x 12 Album (20 Pages)+ $2000, 4R Leather Grand Photo Album (300pcs Photo)+ $150)

(加錄影 1V , 全set DVD連menu 及 Full version and highlight version editing + $6500, 即日剪片 +$2500 )

Total 2P1V1A 要 $39000,如果影3 locations的pre wedding就 $15000,影晒全部有優惠,$54000 減至 $45000。



3) Pose21

 $15800  ~~   3-4人  ~~   包 unlimited softcopy in DVD, same day express montage, delicated online photo gallery, 60-80 pgs custom designed photo story book (100% made in USA) , print photo : $2@

$13800  ~~   3-4人  ~~   包 unlimited softcopy in DVD, delicated online photo gallery, print photo : $2@

( 加錄影 , 連成長片段、sameday highlights、全部母片及highlight on DVD、設計封面 + $6500 )



4) Jack Creation

2P1V  ~~  10 hrs ~~  $14888

2P2V  ~~  10 hrs ~~  $18888

(包 全部數碼檔連執相、11"x14" creation snap  album1本、即日剪接、30張相電腦片頭、婚禮片段連剪接連配樂一套 + 封面 + menu)

(超時每人每小時+$200, 指定Jack +$1200, 指定攝影師 + $800, 同日註冊/ 教堂行禮+$800, 即日剪接 + $2000, 晒4R: @$2,  DV母帶 $200套)

www.jackcreation.com / http://www.jackcreation.blogspot.com/


5) Patrick 

2P1A (1 clief  + 1 standard +1 assitant)  ~~  13hrs ~~ 0830-2330  ~~  $18000

( 包 Same Day Photo Slide show , 30pgs 8"x12" photo album, all softcopies(~1500-2000), 50 high end effect touch up images)

1V  ~~  13hrs  ~~  0830-2330  ~~  $ 5000

(包complete version、highlight version的dvd各一, 30張相成長片段)

 (即日剪片 +$2000, Studio Lighting Equipment for Banquet Group Photo + $1800, 早過0830 +$800/ hr/team及的士費)

http://www.patrick-photography.com/ / http://www.patrickphotography.blogspot.com/


6) Amazing Grace

2P1V  ~~  0830-回男家 + 1730-散席   ~~ $5388 + 1500x2(菲林轉數碼) = $ 8388


(註冊連外影共5小時 + $ 1588, 同日註冊 / 教堂 + $200, 註冊連外影錄影共3小時 + $ 1588)

共  2P1V  ~~  $ 11764

amazinggrace.goldenplaza.com.hk/ index.html


7) Dino Leung

2P1V1A  ~~  0800 - 0000  ~~  $15800

(包studio light, 早拍晚播slideshow, 2 set finely tune photo DVD, 1 set highlight snapshot MTV DVD,  8"x12" 22pgs snapshot album, 成長片段, 錄影母帶, 2 set edited master DVD連封面及menu)

(即日錄影剪接 + $2000, 晒4R 300張 + $500 )

http://www.dinoleung.com/  / http://www.fotop.net/dino/Rate_/


8) Ray Chui

2P1V1A  ~~  0830 - 1130  ~~  $18800   ~~包 full set digital photo DVD ,  20 pages 11x14 snap album or 40 pages coffee book ,  Intraday photo slide show ,  1 set of editing DVD ,  Full Day Video Hightlight ,  marching-in slideshow clip ,  master DV tape ,  free overtime charge

2P1V1A  ~~  0830 - 1130  ~~  $15800   ~~包 full set digital photo DVD ,   Intraday photo slide show ,  1 set of editing DVD ,  Full Day Video Hightlight ,  marching-in slideshow clip

(母帶每套 + $500 , 即日剪接 + $2000 , Intraday summary slide show - $1000 , overtime charge per hour per staff - $200 , photo print 4R - $2pcs )

http://www.raychui.com   /  http://raychuiphoto.blogspot.com/

9) CM Leung




10) Irene chui

2P1A1V ~~ 0830-2330  ~~  $24800

( 包 所有相, 800張4R printout連相簿, 全日攝錄, edited on dvd,  highlight video on dvd, master dv, Same Day Photo Slide show , march in slide show, 30pgs 10"x10" coffee book( magzine style album)未問

 (Studio Lighting Equipment for Banquet Group Photo + $2000, 早過0830 +$1000/ hr/team)

(但版權屬the stage公司)




One shot Production




2P1A  ~~  0800 - 1130  ~~  $30000   ~~ Get back 2000 original digital files, Release copy: Photo DVD with box & disc design.

(lighting for group photo + 4000, same day slide show + 1500)

Lui's Gallery

2P1V1A  ~~  0830 - 1130  ~~  $20000   ~~包 400張printout, 連基本執相, 42pgs 10"x10"相簿, 錄影edited dvd including summary & highlight

(photo slide show + $1000 , 即日剪接 + $2000 ,
overtime charge per hour per staff - $200 )


Lawrence Chiu


- Lawrence Chiu as chief photographer
- One experienced photographer
- One photography assistant
- Unlimited photo taken
- 11"x13"book style album
- All digital images in high resolution burnt into DVD rom

- One video experienced photographer
- Video editing with DVD dics
- Photo montage video production
- DV master burnt into DVD rom


